Paus is a new website that urges you to slow down through playful mind games

To counteract the speed of life today, Chelsea College of Artgraduate Louise Nyborg proposes we regress, just for a moment, through the simple interactive games and exercises on online platform Paus. Channelling the thinking of the slow movement and mindfulness, the activities aim to get you to slow down a little and take some time to relax.

We’ve seen this idea around for a while, but it’s more commonly associated with meditation than the Internet. In fact, you would have thought that the Internet was a problem that the Slow Movement was trying to solve. Not the case, states Paus. It’s guiding principle is “about choosing when to be slow and when to be fast, finding a balance between the two and gaining control over your time. It’s about allowing time for reflection and developing an awareness of your surroundings in life.”

The interactive features include an animated breathing exercise in the form of a pulsing blue circle, simple geometric puzzles that advise you not to make any hasty decisions, and a ten minute timer to count down a break from your desk. It might not change your life, but you’ll certainly feel better.

Elsewhere, Slow Games is minimalist and beautifully designed gadget that applies the principles of slow living to video games. Inspired by retro games, such as Pong and Mario, the idea behind it is quite simple: the game only allows you to make one move per day. Instead of focusing on good hand-eye coordination, Slow Games tests players’ memory and patience.