Unless you’re under the age of eleven or have lots of cash at your disposal, museum and gallery shops can be a bit of let-down. However, Japanese creative collective Rhizomatiks have come up with a souvenir that’s more impressive than your typical pencil sharpener or stuffed T-Rex toy, and definitely worth showing your friends: a downloadable, personalised GIF.

The Inspired By Perfumeexhibition focuses on the advanced media-based stage production techniques Rhizomatiks use for Japanese electro-pop group, Perfume.  Using a 3D scanner, dance data and animation technology, visitors to the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery exhibition were transformed into animated GIFS which they could keep and download. Here are some examples.

Through creating these GIFs, Rhizomatiks provided a personalised, interactive experience and memorialised it as a simple souvenir. Perhaps this is something museums, galleries and brands could learn from in the future.