A new shower from Nebia revolutionises something we thought we had nailed Compared to stepping into a warm cloud, the Nebia is a completely different experience to even the wildest shower in your local B&Q. Instead of a stream of water it produces a fine mist, thanks to technology that atomizes each water droplet and produces ten times the surface area with a fraction of the volume. But on top of being a great product, it will do wonders for your water bill – the technology uses up to 70% less water than a traditional shower and will pay for itself within a couple of years.

“The last half century of nozzle technology has completely changed what we can do with droplet sizes and distributions,” explains co-founder Gabriel Parisi-Amon. “However this technology has only been applied to very specialised fields like rocket engines and medical devices. We used these same tools and technology to develop Nebia.” And thanks to these advances in thermofluids and equations borrowed from aerospace, the Nebia is able to produce a luxury shower experience with eco sensibilities, emitting just 0.75 gallons of water per minute instead of the industry standard of 2.5. After five years in the making all this technology is packaged into a sleek design, that the creators claim can be installed with the ease of changing a lightbulb, available in May 2016. Production is to be funded by a Kickstarter campaign which has – with seven days still to go – raised a neat $2.8million of a $100,000 goal.Other advances in the ancient field of washing (or not) include Mother Dirt, a dry-shampoo for your body, and a drinkable book offering a revolutionary way of cleaning the water itself.Still hungry for more? Sign up for our weekly supplement featuring the latest news, profiles, features and innovation