Saent is a Bluetooth connected mute button that lets you get on with your lifeBy muting distracting apps and pages, a single tap on Saent device allows you to do something superhuman: concentrate. Designed by the former lead designer at Lenovo, it’s fully programmable, so you can decide the mute periods, track your habits and pick what you’d like to mute so only the important stuff gets through. “With all those distractions it’s harder than ever to focus and get work done,” explain the creators. “A lot of people think the solution is to multitask, but it’s actually a myth. Only 3% of people are actually capable of productive multitasking. ” And now with Saent you don’t have to concentrate on concentrating, as it provides pop-up reminders when you try to switch to an app designated as unproductive, and learns which ones are associated with productive working – it even reminds you when to get back to work if your break’s running over. Existing browser extensions are available to block websites and keep users focussed, but Saent is able to personalise your schedule by tracking productive periods and learning when you do your most effective work. In addition to this you accrue points in exchange for productive work – it’s not the most thrilling of rewards, until you realise that you’re able to compete with your colleagues to see who works the hardest. Sounds really fun right?Recent turns to mindfulness mean companies such as Kovert are letting you take a break from tech – but if concentrating isn't your bag, we've recently looked at Metadrift, a tool for getting lost on the internet.Still hungry for more? Sign up for our weekly supplement featuring the latest news, profiles, features and innovation