Info-trackers, quant-selfers and all-round personal data bods – whatever you call them, more of these people are using activity-measuring devices and apps to help improve the way they live. Calorie counting suddenly looks pretty old school.

With a summer of sport around the corner (we’re still not sure if we’re allowed to use the ‘O’ word) we thought it would be a good time to explore how quantified behaviours and gamification is changing the way we perform – both as athletes and people. So we’re hosting a Protein Forum all about the trend, and how devices, apps and data can transform – and improve – the way we live.

While we do fancy ourselves as being pretty clued up on the trend, we aren’t exactly complete experts. So we’ve invited three top instigators in the world of technology and performance to help us get to the bottom of why this trend is growing and just how useful it is. They’ll be talking about what they do and why it’s changing the way we live. Plus the audience (that’s you) will get to discuss and debate with them.

Our speakers are:
Adrian Hon, Six to Start & Zombies, Run!
Martin Blinder, CEO of TicTrac
Michael Forrest, Happiness app

It’s taking place on Tuesday 17th, just before the big games kick off. If you want to come down, just head over to our Eventbrite page and book your place.  It only costs a fiver (or free if you're an OS Member), and we’ll keep the beer – as well as the conversation – flowing throughout the evening.