A wearable technology that allows couples to 'touch' each other across vast distances

More and more couples can now maintain long distance relationships thanks to live video communications - but physical contact is always going to be an important factor, and Durex thinks it has come up with a way to do just that, remotely.
Billie Whitehouse, an Australian designer and co-founder of Wearable Experiments, collaborated with Durex for the Fundawear intimates and accompanying app.
Tag-lined ‘the future of foreplay’, Fundawear is a functional and fun wearable technology that allows personal touch to be transferred across vast distances between a couple. Fundawear knickers, bra and boxer shorts have sensors concealed within the high-quality bamboo fabric. When your partner touches the image of your underwear in their app, you are able to feel both the intensity and position of their touch. Both Fundawear and the recently featured Lick app playfully incorporate sexuality into mobile technologies, a winning combination when done well.
