Former gang members in Panama City have established a walking tour as both a means of gainful employment and further rehabilitation.

Of the 85,948 people currently serving time in UK prisons and young offender institutions, roughly a quarter of them will reoffend after their release. Statistics like these offer sure evidence that our government does too little to ward off this sad perpetuation.

However, the Fortaleza Tour, based in Panama City, is offering individuals who were once gang members a chance to contribute to their local community and reshape their lives.

The scheme - which was incubated for three weeks to prove its sustainability - was enabled by the Esperanza Social Club, an organisation committed to breaking up Panama's street gangs, reintroducing their members into society and improving Panama City's economy.

Former members of the Ciudad de Dios gang established the Fortaleza Tour of the Old City following their involvement in the Esperanza Social Club’s 10-week intervention program.

The $25, 80 minute tour, (which includes dinner, a mojito and a street party finale), begins at the American Trade Hotel in Casco Viejo, the epicentre of gang activity in Panama City. The excursion affords tourists open to more experiential travel offerings an authentic and less obvious glimpse of the area, while also offering the guides rehabilitative recourse and a likely sense of catharsis.

For more on immersive holidaying experiences, read about Icelandair's Stopover Buddy Scheme.