Five video game enthusiasts from south east London travelled the length of the West Coast in order to create Forerunner, an indie publication dedicated to connecting with the people who help to shape the landscape of their favourite medium.

For many of us, video games formed an indelible part of our childhood. The slightest mention of a favourite title can evoke powerful feelings of nostalgia.

Now, thanks to five die hard video game enthusiasts from south east London, fans can learn more about the people who are actively shaping the video game landscape, as well as some iconic figures who helped form the earliest iterations of the much loved medium.

Standout features from issue one of Forerunner are a profile of IGN Entertainment, the pivotal gamer website that has a readership of 72 million, an interview with Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell as well as conversations with academics, industry experts and programmers.

Forerunner looks to have successfully captured the look and feel of a well-curated indie publication that consumers will view as a prized collectible. By their very nature, video games are a highly involving experience, and thanks to the enthusiasm of Forerunners creators, the magazine is as compelling as the content it aims to cover.