We continue to unearth yet more examples of the Cultural Escort trend as increasingly intrepid travellers seek out veritable resources offering more personal, locally cultivated insights.

For You The Traveller by artist Nabil Sabio Azadi is less of a travel guide, more of a directory full of 'kind people' who have offered to assist any traveller who passes through their hometown baring a copy of the guide. To keep the hospitality manageable the guide (crafted from regenerated paper and recycled rabbit fur) is produced in a very limited edition of 200.

The book equipts you with beautiful leaves eblazoned with names, numbers and hand-drawn maps directing you to people offering wonderful, otherwise inaccessible experiences of local crafts and practices. Spanning five continents from bustling cities to rural outbacks, Norway to New Zealand, the guide boasts designers and shipwrights, scientists and farmers, builders and writers, metalworkers and teachers, ecologists and urban planners.

A guide with true heart, the book is published in support of Nouvelle Planete, a charity building footbridges to connect isolated villages in Madagascar.  Find out more on how travel is innovating in our latest Protein Journal.