Despite the dwindling potential to actually make any money from it, the rate at which new, interesting magazine start-ups materialise is showing no sign of slowing down. We've seen magazines focussing on a specific city with each issue, like Swallow, or taking that concept even further Boat Magazine, that uproots its entire editorial team to a different location for each issue.

Raising the stakes in the 'specificity of subject' game to unexplored heights is new publication, Flaneur Magazine. Rather than focussing on a single location or city, Flaneur takes an artistic, creative look at a single street. Investigating its residents, architecture, history and future. All with a highly creative, inventive eye.

The first issue focuses on Kantstraße in Berlin, and includes articles such as a photo diary of an evening spent in the local pub, a history of China and Taiwan as told through visits to the street's various Asian restaurants and a short story written on the street itself.

The next issue is set to arrive in the Winter and will be looking at an as of yet unconfirmed location in Leipzig.