There's seems to be no shortage of new travel recommendation sites  — in the past few weeks alone we've featured everything from curated membership services through to road-tripping adventure sites. Now it seems Google wants a slice of the pie, with the launch of their Field Trip app, a location-based recommendation service for Android phones.

Billed as, '“your guide to the cool, hidden, and unique things in the world around you," the app pops up with information and recommendations based on your GPS location as you walk past something of note (or, if you're feeling lazy, will even read out some facts to you if using a headset). Different categories of interest can be selected, as well as different frequencies of notifications for those that don't want to be bombarded with facts every two steps. With recommendations selected from the likes of Thrillist, Zagat and Atlas Obscura, some interesting finds are guaranteed.

Like the 'Drift' app we featured a month ago, this is another interesting example of technology encouraging user exploration and discovery of their surroundings. Check out the video above for more info.