If you made it along to this year’s Frieze festival, then there’s a chance you might have been a subject in DIS magazine’s specially-commissioned project, Fair Trade.

The internet-based art magazine, known for celebrating distasteful, postmodern Web aesthetics (as well producing this rather lols video lookbook for Kenzo), documented the artwork on display at Frieze in a way that also included the fair's visitors.

The result is a series of bizarre social situations that take place in front of the fair's art, where both the visitors and the artwork compete for your attention. For instance, in one shot, two paramedics have a stretcher laid out ready for first aid action in front of Jeff Wall’s ‘Young Man Wet With Rain’. While in another, a gang of blonde girls dressed in pink velour and high heels stand before Kris Martin’s ‘Miroir Claude’, mesmorised by its black glistening surface.

By considering how people respond to art when placed inside a gallery situation, DIS has shrewdly captured the mood of the fair, rather than simply the art on the walls.