Facebook Camera
The new Canon PowerShot N uploads images straight to Facebook through the click of a button.

The Canon PowerShot N has recently received tweak that makes it the first device of its kind with dedicated Facebook access that allows users to upload images straight to the site at the click of a button. With built in wifi, the device wirelessly connects to a computer or smartphone, enabling happy snappers to share photos and videos instantly with their peers while on the go. Whats more, the creative mode offers users 5 alternate filters, including fish-eye, miniature effect, soft focus, toy camera effect and monochrome to produce a variety of effects, with dramatic crops, extreme colour and brightness and contrast shifts that replicate old film, cross-processed and black and white images.
Much like the Socialmatic Instagram camera, the PowerShot N's Facebook integration marks the transgression in consumer demand toward more integrated, streamlined services. While the PowerShot N Facebook is better at taking photos than the average smartphone, it is unlikely it will overtake integrated image sharing platforms such as Instagram in terms of reach or popularity. It does however sit well with the greater trend to produce, document and share images, whereby connectivity is king.
