Could you win the Internet's highest honour?
First established in 1997, The Webby Awards is known as ‘the internet’s highest honour’ for a good reason. Last year the show received nearly 13,000 entries from all 50 US states and over 70 countries worldwide.

Plus, along with the usual categories, spanning everything from activisim to animation, this year the Webby's team has added new categories, including fashion and beauty, virtual reality as well as arts and experimental.

So everyone from tech titans, like Airbnb and Vine, to startups, such as Seene and Play The Road, have a chance to take centre stage.

In short everyone is eligible to enter. The only restriction is the winner will have to thank friends, family and colleagues with a 5-word speech, a Webby hallmark, at their 20th anniversary ceremony in New York City.

For your chance to win simply enter the awards here. The Early Entry deadline is October the 30th.