The deadline for entries to Europe's top Internet prize is 12th June

The Lovie Awards is the most prestigious and coveted award to recognise excellence on the Internet in Europe. It is the only truly pan-European award of it’s kind, accepting and judging work in seven native languages across all parts of the web including: websites, Internet video, online advertising, mobile & apps, and social.

Lovie winners are selected by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a global organisation of industry experts and technology innovators. The online public also chooses The People’s Lovie Award Winners by casting ballots for their favourite finalists during the annual voting period.

The jury is comprised of industry luminaries such as actor Stephen Fry, musician Imogen Heap, the “Father of Wi-Fi” Vic Hayes, Buzzcar founder Robin Chase, Soundcloud founder Eric Wahlforss, Wieden + Kennedy London’s Executive Creative Director Iain Tait, Media Monks founder Victor Knaap, and broadcaster and writer Lauren Laverne. Members also include writers and editors from publications such as Wired, VICE Media, The Guardian, Elle, The Next Web, and The BBC.

Winners are selected for recognition based on “overall experience,” as well as excellence in the following areas: content, structure & navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity, creativity, integration, concept & writing, quality of craft and engagement.

Enter here. Good luck!