Emotiv Insight
Discover your brain’s daily productivity levels, attention span and optimal time to relax.

Scientists from San Francisco, California have developed an award-winning technology to analyse and translate brain waves into meaningful data. We've previously seen the tracking of brainwaves used to produce music, Emotiv Lifesciences, however, are working on a consumer product designed to improve brain fitness.
The combo of wireless headphone and smart phone application traces your mental performance in real time throughout the day and helps you to increase your attention span and to reduce stress levels. Emotiv Insight does this by following basic mental commands, such as pull and push, and can detect facial expressions in order to track your focus, engagement, interest, excitement, affinity, relaxation or stress. The app, available for iPhone and Android, provides you with an overview of your brain’s daily productivity and tells you when your attention is on its peak and when it is time for you to relax.
As we begin to decipher and better understand how our brains work, we're seeing an growing amount of consumer friendly technology built to monitor, track and utilise our brain power.
