Apple have released a more socially diverse range of emoji
The new representations come as part of iOS 8.3’s bid to make the service more universally accommodating. The LGBT community is now semi-catered for with gay and lesbian couples and various configurations of families with same-sex parents. Single figure emoji now give the option to select skin tone - the stock shade being Lego man yellow.
Emoji and stickers have provided a shorthand that can be practised around the world. As our schedules get tighter, often a grumpy face couldn’t provide a more succinct message. In the US and Europe emoji and stickers are primarily used by those under 30, but in Japan they’re already common currency among all age groups, and a shift in behaviour is seeing an ever increasing range of people in the West adopt visual communication. It’s no surprise then that Apple are increasing our symbolic vocabulary.
Hi Art is an app-based service that lets you create ginger and mixed-race emoji, meme-like stickers or reference art works in a matter of minutes, instead of waiting months for Apple to update its IOS servers.
A growing number of forward thinking corporations are responding to calls from minority groups for representation. Apple having woken up to this will go a long way to making these groups feel more connected with the brand.
