Fred & Company (Fred Deakin & Nat Hunter) were asked to create something powerful and mind-blowing to kick off the exhibition Joue le Jeu (Play Along) at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris – and came up with ‘Electricity comes from other planets’, an interactive installation that generates sounds and animations through movement.

Eight simple geometric shapes, the ‘planets’, are linked to motion-sensitive strips, which all play different instruments. By moving forward or backward on the strip, the visitors change the intensity of the music, animate the faces of the shapes and mix their own unique music through movement – and with a little help from Kinect.

Joue le Jeu focuses on the socio-physical forms of creating art through playing and showcases a number of installations until August 12th at La Gaîté Lyrique, a Parisian museum dedicated to all forms of digital culture. Find out more here.