The mouse is the new brush, the screen the new easel, but if how we make art is changing, shouldn't the way we display it change too? Tech studio Electric Objects are in the process of bringing digital art into the home. The EO1 is a computer meets picture frame, designed not only to let you view art from the internet, framed as it should be, but also as a medium for the ever increasing number of digital artists to share their work and reach a new audience.

"There’s more art on the internet than in every gallery and museum on Earth, but these objects are trapped", says Jake Levine, CEO of Electric Objects. "They’re stuck behind screens that are designed for distraction. We wanted to make a new way to bring art from the internet into your home. How do we design a computer that feels more like a painting or a photograph, this isn’t a normal screen and it shouldn’t feel like one."

Electric Objects, currently raising funds on Kickstarter, are working closely with artists to make works especially for Electric Objects whilst partnering with museums, libraries and other organisations to bring their collections into your home.

It's interesting to see new ways of viewing and 'owning' art emerge and adapt to our advancing technology.