The latest project from leading interactive design laboratory   Studio Roosegaard re-imagines the ritual campfire for the digital age. Described by the studio as 'Lego from Mars', hundreds of assembled crystalline rocks are 'grown' from a unique salt that grows into perfect geometric shapes around  two LED lights. As visitors move around the installation and start to interact with the wireless rocks, the lighting behaviour changes, lightly pulsating and appearing to 'breathe' light.

Crystal is designed as a sensual experience between people, technology and light. The animated rocks bring an organic, magical quality to digital objects that appear to behave unpredictably- moving from states of 'excitement' to 'boredom' as curious visitors pick them up, cluster them together and configure them.

Its another example of designers attempting to create a more sensory, human relationship between digital objects and people. Take a look at a big sister version of Crystal in the Spine story featured earlier this week.