Discarding sleek edges and slim-line design with reckless abandon, the Earl Backcountry Survival Tablet is the definitive gadget for the discerning outdoorsman. Filling a gap that other tablet manufacturers have either ignored or failed to recognise, Earl is a revolutionary tablet designed to cope with the most extreme of outdoor situations.
Forget the constant need for chargers and sockets – Earl runs off its integrated solar panel for 20 hours. Not only this, its glove-friendly, flexible E-ink screen provides superior visibility in direct sunlight, and doubles as an emergency lantern in ‘Lunar’ mode. Earl has been designed to survive everything - earth, wind, fire and water (almost); it’s mud, dust and shock resistant; waterproof in three feet of water for 30mins; and reliable in temperatures of 0-50°C and altitudes of up to 40,000 feet.