It’s not the first time we’ve come across wearable, musical technology, the MIDI Jacket, for example but it’s perhaps the most versatile. As part of a Rhode Island Scholl of Design course, Wesley Chau has created a garment that, to the unknowing eye looks like a bullet-proof vest, but performs like a touch-activated electronic drum kit.
Drop the Beat, created on the basis that the human body already makes a variety of natural sounds, aims to enhance these qualities, and, most importantly, breathe life into the staid state of current live shows. Chau speaks of the static and sedentary digital musicians on stage, and hopes the apparel will allow a more interactive and dynamic way of making music.
At present, Drop the Beat is very much in the preliminary stage – Chau embedded four piezo sensor pressures into neoprene drumpads, programmed an Arduino to communicate with Apple’s GarageBand software, and then machine-sewed and velcroed the components together. But it’s far from rudimental - the video created to showcase its potential highlights the versatility of the kit. Whether it’ll be a novelty addition to the music industry or become a dependable item of a DJs wardrobe remains to be seen.