Soylent 2.0: Use Less. Do More. from Soylent on Vimeo.

Rob Rhinehart's vision of a globally accepted liquid meal replacement that is as ubiquitous as milk and flour is creeping closer to realisation

Rhinehart's Soylent started life (thanks to being the most funded food-related crowd-funding project ever, raising over $3 million) as a powdered meal that meets all the nutritional requirements for an average adult.

Having received a further $20 million in Series A round funding, led by venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz earlier this year, Soylent is about to unveil Soylent 2.0.

Soylent 2.0 comes in 'ready to drink, liquid form' and Rhinehart has added algae into the mix as a crucial ingredient. Eventually, Rhinehart hopes to design a Soylent-producing 'superorganism': a single strain of alga that pumps out Soylent all day, removing farms and factories from the production process altogether.

The future of food is uncertain but rest assured non-food will play a major part in it. Whether we're eating virtual food or artificially grown meat, traditional methods of food production won't be able to cater for a rapidly increasing global population.