Ever wanted to control your dreams? In his latest experiment, British psychologist Richard Wiseman is trying to discover whether this is possible...and you can take part too.

Participants can download a new iPhone app, Dream:ON which turns their phone into a 'dream factory'. When the participant is fast asleep (gauged through movement patterns), the app will play carefully crafted 'soundscapes' - think walking in the woods or lying on the beach. The hope is that these sounds will influence the participants dreams and whisk them away to peaceful destinations. At the end of the dream the app has a built in alarm to gently wake the participant up so they can record their experiences. These are added to a 'dream catcher' database which can then be analysed to determine whether external sounds can influence our sleep.

The project is a great example of how apps can be harnessed to research important scientific questions and engage with huge numbers of people. Get involved for yourself here.