HidrateMe is a smart water bottle that syncs to your phone to track your water intake

“With daily distractions, millions of us don’t take care of ourselves the way we should; we simply forget,” say the Hidrate team on their Kickstarter page which has obliterated its goal with over a month to go. “That’s why we built HidrateMe, a connected water bottle that tracks your water intake and makes sure that you’re hydrated all day long.”

The HidrateMe bottle is a 24 oz. reusable water bottle containing a sensor stick that automatically tracks how much you drink throughout the day. It sends information to the Hidrate app on your phone and glows when its time to drink more water.

Is it outrageous to need reminding we’re thirsty? Probably, but no more so than a smart bookmark that tweets you a reminder to finish the book. The reminder market is blossoming and as long as people are busy it will continue to do so.