If you love the idea of making street art but maybe aren't cut out for jail, we present Usman Haque and Specialmoves "two-week R&D experiment" entitled "DIY City 0.01a". In Haque's words, "Essentially what we're looking at is trying to enable citizens to reconfigure their city."

The project's website continues: "At our disposal were two developers, one UX'er, one concepter, three projectors, five laptops, one big idea, ten working days and one all-important screwdriver. And of course a free rein when it came to technology options. Bliss. What we made was essentially a mobile interface that allowed people to create sprites that were projected onto the walls of our courtyard space here at Specialmoves HQ. People could not only design but manipulate their own creations."

We're excited to see what future versions of DIY City look like. So are the project's developers: "After all, this was only version '0.01a' of a much larger idea."