One South African eatery has decided to embrace a peculiar trend that has blossomed following the emergence of Instagram, the documenting and sharing of food photography.

A collaboration between Mexican restaurant El Burro and internet provider MWEB the #Dinnercam is a portable photo studio designed to take the ultimate portrait of your meal before it is consumed. It is a smart move on the restaurant's part, getting social media exposure while encouraging food-envy through the medium of photography. The partnership is part of an exploration into how the internet is changing the way we interact with public spaces.

The service is available upon request to diners who just have to connect to the MWEB WiFi to post their photos. The benefits of the portable system and its added lightbox will then guarantee the perfect picture to share. If "food porn", as it is sometimes termed, is to continue to be a topic of interest it only seems inevitable more eateries will want to capitialise.

Bompas & Parr recently embarked on another innovative, but perhaps less appetising approach to melding food and the way we view it with Journey To The Centre Of The Gut, where celebrity foodie Gizzi Erskine swallowed a tiny camera which then documented the process of digestion within the human body.