We've been waiting a long time for this. Dieter Rams, the German industrial designer who manned the position of head designer at Braun for over 30 years is finally being profiled by Sophie Lovell in As Little Design As Possible: The Work of Dieter Rams. Published by Phaidon and arriving in July, the 240 page book will feature exclusive photographs, illustrations, and treasures from the personal archive of Rams himself. Remember when he came up with the high-quality 'D'-series (D45, D46) of 35 mm film slide projectors and the SK-4 record player? Incredible. If you're as fanatical about design as we are you're probably already pre-ordering it but until the book arrives, flip through some pages courtesy of our friends at Selectism here. The book is not limited to his work at Braun either, you can expect to see his furniture works with Vitsoe from the 1960s and finish feeling inspired by his "Weniger, aber besser" i.e. "Less, but better" approach to design.   Take some time and revisit the extensive archive of industrial product design's reigning luminary and remind yourself of his ten principles for good design  here.