Rapid response apps have become de rigueur in the dating game, but Once, an app that aims to deliver quality over quantity instead, is swimming against the tide. The advent of dating apps has encouraged a rapid response approach to dating, enabled by specific algorithms such as geo targeting. Tinder, Grindr, Happn and the like satiate our never ending need for convenience - even when we're talking about relationships. The problem with that is traditionally, dating isn't something you should rush.

Once is a new app that attempts to bring the magic back into dating by slowing things down. With the belief that only a person can truly, "match", couples, Once offers one handpicked match per day, chosen on the basis of mutual interests, looks, compatibility and location. The match is sent to the pair at exactly the same in order to recreate that feeling of serendipity, and you're then given 24 hours to make a move.

Slowing things down is a natural reaction to our lifestyles which forever seem to be speeding up, but Once manages to marry the convenience of a dating app with the magic of IRL dating. It even excludes your Facebook mates so there's no risk of bumping into your ex - something that can't be said of real life.

“We looked into what dating apps weren't offering people," says Jean Meyer, CEO at Once. "There was a large emphasis on simplicity and numbers, with most apps offering the same experience – with a minor change here and there. But there were no dating apps that actually focused on matching people based on their interests and preferences, as well as looks, compatibility and location. There's much more to it than just 'yes 'or 'no'."

Once believe that reasoned human intuition is an integral part of social and romantic interaction. Instead of removing apps out of the equation altogether, they've combined the best of both worlds.

You can find out more about Once via their website, and get educated on more slow trends in our recent Slow Report.