Answer routine emails within seconds thanks to a new productivity app
Dart aims to help time poor individuals navigate their daily grind with a simple push of a button. Its mantra is 'stop sending stupid emails'. Whenever a message needs a response you use repeatedly, you only have to select it from a list of prewritten replies, or quickly dictate it within a 200 words limit. Furthermore, the app seamlessly integrates with any email client, so no extra effort of setting up an account is needed.
According to a McKinsey Global Institute paper, people spend on average 28% of their time reading and answering emails, so it's little wonder 'inbox overload' is the most prevalent term used among professionals. In a 24-7 connected world, you can no longer give the excuse of being 'out' anymore, as anything can be accessed on a mobile device. People expect you to answer an email or a text message as soon as you get it, no matter its urgency. As a result, productivity and prioritizing apps have been cropping up, and Dart is one such example.
As people start using smart wearables more and more, like the Apple Watch, Dart will come in handy whilst driving, jogging, or other focus impaired activities. Dart also fits well within the visual communication trend we’ve been observing lately, emoji-packed services like WhatsApp or Hi Art are replacing long-form emails with repetitive stock phrases.