H&M transform their flagship stores 4th floor into a ‘Conscious Capsule Space’
Addressing the growing concern about global sustainability in fashion amongst consumers, H&M have teamed with FormRoom to design a pop up space in their Oxford Circus store that emphasises the brands transparency regarding ethical manufacture and sustainable closed-loop supply chain. ‘We have set ourselves the challenge of ultimately making fashion sustainable and sustainability fashionable’, explains Karl-Johan Persson, CEO of H&M. ‘We want to help people express their personality and feel proud of what they wear. I’m very excited to see the progress we’ve made so far and how this will help us to make you an even better offer – and create a more sustainable fashion future.’

The space highlights how each step of H&M’s supply chain, from design and raw materials to production and end sales, is as eco-conscious as possible. The cleanly designed gallery space was designed to be as minimal as possible, highlighting the values and commitments behind the fashion brand. Interaction was incorporated through a touch screen, a video wall and a live social media feed. Visitors were also encouraged to take a Selfie in the bespoke photo booth and share their photos using the hashtag #Hmclosetheloop.

We are seeing more and more fashion brands take steps to demonstrate their sustainable values and commitments. Outdoor gear brand Patagonia launched their Worn Wear tour, traveling the USA in a mobile workshop and fixing customers worn and torn purchases and the launch of Sumzine, a fashion conscious magazine challenging fashion brands to engage with the ethical aspects of the industry.