Despite our decidedly British summer being in full swing, it seems there are parts of the world where cooling down is still paramount.

Continuing a trend set by 7up, who created a frozen vending machine, Coca-Cola have introduced a new bottle made entirely of ice. Shaped and contoured to be a replica of its iconic glass bottle, the all-ice refreshment was handed out to beachgoers in Colombia. It’s neither practical nor easy to hold or drink from, but it’s eco-friendly, unusual, and will certainly keep your drink chilled.

It’s not the first time the soft-drink mega-brand has focused on the social aspect of the drink – it recently gave out Sharing Cans, which twist apart to form two cans, and is constantly pushing boundaries to maintain its global reach. It’s a clever move though, harnessing the power of social media with quirky variations on its well-known product at events which are guaranteed to get people talking, viewing and ‘liking’.