It seems like we're inundated with almost daily coverage of rising temperatures and natural disaster stories from all around the world. However, there are a few young creatives out there who have our back in knowing exactly how to deal with the imminent consequences. For example, recently we saw Alexandr Kostin create The Hand Tree, a personal air purifier in accessory from.

Designer Catherine Sarah Young has taken things a step further with her faux clothing line Climate Change Couture: Haute Fashion for a Hotter Planet. At first glance Young’s ideas could seem a little facetious, but by fusing art and science through design, she has used research collected by the Singapore-ETH Future Cities Laboratory to create pieces focused on a future affected by climate change. Her collection includes The Thermoreflector, a silver dress that reflects heat to avoid a roasting in soaring temperatures. The Aquatutu that can be inflated repeatedly to use as floatation device. And then there is The Bubble, an oxygen pumped personal chamber that comes equipped with its very own WIFI. It's interesting to see environmental concerns making their way into an (admittedly tongue-in-cheek) fashion collection.