A new Peruvian hotel suspends its guests from a rock face in transparent bedrooms

Hanging above the Sacred Valley in Cusco, Peru, are the aptly named Skylodge Adventure Suites. They consist of three transparent capsules that have been suspended on a rock face 400ft above the ground and offer a bed for the night – provided you can get there...    

Once you scale the face of the valley, via either 2800m of zip wire or a cable system climb up the sheer rock face, you are rewarded with views of the Sacred Valley and the Urubamba River directly below. Each of Natura Vive’s units near the town of Ollantaytambo are 24 x 8ft and contains four beds, a dining area and separate bathroom, as well as solar powered lamps, the promise of a meal and some extra special #holiday Instagrams.

Natura Vive's tour and room package is a little different to the norm, and is able to satiate even the most intrepid holiday-maker with an encounter that was previously only accessible to experts and the insane. If you're willing to overcome your sweaty palms and vertigo, the transparent capsules promise an experience unlike any other, with views comparable only – as the website says – to sleeping in a condor's nest.

In our Travel Report we saw how consumers are seeking out more unusual and customised experiences in place of package holidays, in order to gain a more intimate cultural experience off the beaten track. We've spoken previously to the founder of Airbnb about a need for a personalised, immersive travel experience, and looked at services like Whimsy which offer destinations outside users' comfort zones.