A device that monitors, manages and restricts how you, and your family, use the internet

Circle is a device that monitors and manages online behaviour, in the hopes of helping families find balance between time spent online and time spent offline.
In addition to offering the option to allocate time allotments, it also enables the parent to check online history and deny access altogether to chosen sites or types of browsing. Whats more, all of this is made possible through the easy to use app interface accessible on any iOS enabled device. Undoubtedly the cause of many domestic disputes, the app enables parents to have more control over their household's online activity, helping them manage every day use. By offering an overview of daily activity, broken down into user profiles, time allotments and devices specification, it aims to promote digital downtime and curb excessive time spent in front of the computer.
Internet controls are nothing new, however this is the first time we've seen one packaged and marketed like this. Developed by Portland based startup Elameno, the product is still in the process of fund raising (perhaps ironically) through a KickStarter campaign, and while it is clearly being marketed to families, if you are someone whose productivity suffers from online distractions, Circle might be the solution for you.
