An unassuming smart bracelet that turns your skin into a touchscreen
The advent of wearable tech hasn’t been quite as dramatic, in the last 12 months or so, as some had predicted. That said, the Apple Watch is due to be released in Spring this year and it’s fair to say that once that occurs, the wearable tech market is likely to be very different.
Perhaps with this in mind, French tech startup Cicret have released tentative plans to launch a bracelet that, should all go to plan, will likely be a bit of a game changer. The bracelet, similar in aesthetic to other established wearables, looks to use a series of sensors combined with a projector to transform users skin into a touchscreen allowing you to read your mails, play your favourite games, answer calls or find your way, all on your arm.
The Cicret Bracelt is still in the "working prototype" stage but Cicret are crowdsourcing funding with the hope to launch the product within the next year.
While Circet's form isn't as luxurious as the likes of Altruis (high-end jewellery that helps its wearer fight the distracting tendencies of everyday “fast information”), functionality is clearly far higher its the agenda. One of the talking points at our recent Future of Wearable Tech forum was how will a form/function equilibrium be achieved and who will more instrumental in bringing it about, techie fashion designers or fashionista tech developers?
