This week we've already seen a couple of olfactory based projects. From the sensory-melding Olfactive Studio to the sensory enhancing Eidos device.

Japanese company ChatPerf has created a USB-sized iPhone add-on that enables users to add smells to their message sending arsenal. Called the Scentee, the add-on attaches to the iPhone’s 30-pin connector, and once the ‘puff’ button is pressed, the scent held in the tank is released.
There are numerous applications for the Scentee. You could, for example, send a message to a stressed out friend containing a soothing scent (ChatPerf itself sees particular potential in the gaming and film worlds). And with a software development kit being released to third party developers as well, all manner of uses for the Scentee are possible.

Whether Scentee catches on remains to be seen, but with the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds becoming continually blurred, it’s not surprising that smell has been brought into the equation.