Made In Italy—Bodoni in Print takes you through a journey of typography.

Giambattista Bodoni designed the iconic the serif typeface Bodoni back in in the late eighteenth century. Today his legacy is still being celebrated.

Made In Italy—Bodoni in Print is an exhibition taking you through a journey of typography. From its Italian roots to contemporary use, including posters and packaging from the incredible archives of Monotype, Aiap and the Museum of Bodoni (Parma).

Developed by paper producer, Fedrigoni, the exhibition is a celebration of the iconic Italian typeface and its contemporary influence across graphic design, past and present.

On show will be first-hand early unseen archive material; including drawings, matrices and stunning examples of lead type, as well as the work of Massimo Vignelli, Paul Rand, Karl Gerstner, Peter Saville, Fabien Baron, Heinz Waibl and Bruno Monguzzi, among others.

An accompanying limited edition book will be available on the night to take away, as well as a reproduction of Heinz Waibl’s Berlino Congress poster.

Made In Italy—Bodoni in Print will run from the 10th until the 12th of June at Protein Studio 2, 31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY.

Book your tickets here.