Breakfast Briefings
Join us for a new series of talks at Shoreditch House exploring innovative consumer culture

Protein is pleased to announce a new series of Breakfast Briefings at Shoreditch House designed to educate and inform you on the changing attitudes and behaviours of influential consumers. Following on from our monthly Forum events, this new series gives you the chance to gain the latest insights into the Protein Audience. Highlighting innovative case studies and brand practices from the worlds of fashion, music, technology, travel and retail, we will disseminate key findings from our annual Audience Survey, quarterly trend reports and Journals in order to provide inspiration and ideas on how to engage with these early adopters.
To kick off the series we launch with The Gender Briefing, based on the latest issue of the Protein Journal. The presentation will explore how gender lines are blurring and how this is disrupting four different aspects of millennials’ lives. Join us at Shoreditch House on 10 March – from 10am to 11am – for a discussion on: the rise of unisex fashion labels and gender-neutral retailing; the impact of changing career equality in the workplace; the death of lads mags and the rise of gender neutral publications, plus a look at the online communities using social-media tools to challenge gender stereotypes and traditional advertising.
This event is open to Shoreditch House members only. To book a place login to the House Seven website, or for more info about our Breakfast Briefings series contact All guests will receive a copy of the latest Protein Journal, complete with The Gender Report.
