Interactive agency Rhinofly have developed a participatory installation which takes visitors minds' on an adventure through reality and fantasy as part of the Surreal Worldsexhibition at The Centraal Museum Utrecht.
'Surrealism' can only be truly experienced when one lets go of reality, relaxes and sinks into the subconscious. Based on that knowledge, the visitor is required to place a Brain Computer Interface over their head and watch an animated artwork which transitions from reality to surreality, luring the mind into a dream-like state. The device uses EEG, which scans the brain and measures electric activity, in this instance when you are focused, relaxed or blinking. As the material gets more complex to process, users can travel back to a more comfortable place by re-focussing or blinking. At a given point, the viewer is given no option to leap back and must 'surrender' to the surreal world and watch till the end.
Each visitor takes away a custom travel report showing how their cerebral hemispheres experienced the 'expedition'.
Cultural spaces continue to bring their subject matter to life with more enriching experiences that immerse visitors in the content. Devices like Neurocamand Stream Me Up have evolved simple gesture-based interactions by attempting to entwine the human body more closely with exciting virtual environments.
