There comes a time when it’s been so long since you last\r\nspoke to an old friend that it almost becomes awkward to do so. It seems the\r\nreason you haven’t spoken is because neither of you are that bothered, but this\r\nisn’t necessarily always true. To lose a friend this way is a crying shame.

Bond is a new app with a very simple premise; it reminds you\r\nto keep in touch with the people that matter to you. The app lets you set\r\nreminders to ‘bond’ with people in your contact list, be it every day, every\r\nweek, every month, or at customised intervals. Whether you want to be more consistent at keeping in touch with people,\r\nor feel closer to loved ones, Bond can help you stay connected with friends,\r\nfamily and colleagues. \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n

The intensity of our daily dealings can complicate even the\r\nmost steadfast arrangements, so it’s no wonder that we’re seeing an emergence\r\nof apps that help us manage our social live. Shhhh is an app that lets you\r\nschedule your phone to stop screaming for attention when you're with with\r\nfriends, family or those times when you just want a little peace and\r\nquiet. Its GPS locator works out where you are, and then the app activates\r\n- for example, when you step foot in the door after work.