As the final instalment of its Retrain Your Brain campaign, Virgin Mobile has teamed up with Mother and YouTube to make Blinkwashing, a novel experiment in video watching. Through the use of your device’s web camera, your head’s movement and blinks are tracked and used as a sort of a kinetic remote control. While head movement affects speed, blinks cause the video to cycle through clips, similar to flicking through television channels. Although it takes a lightning-fast internet connection to work tightly, its effect is strangely powerful, feeling ever so slightly like telekinesis.

The convergence of more responsive media, haptic feedback and increasingly invisible, often wearable, interfaces are together inching us closer to completely immersive media experiences. In just the past few weeks Apple’s unveiled the first iPhone with biometric access, and here on the feed we’ve seen everything from NYMI, a wearable to replacement to pesky keys, to Marina Abramovic’s Mutual Wave Machine. Looks like the sci-fi VR stuff of our wildest 1980s and 1990s dreams will pale in comparison to what is actually to come.