In a big fingers up to the monotony of consumerism, Singapore based visual artist Quincy Teofisto and media/fashion designer Jasmine Tuan are subverting your everyday shopping experience in their concept store Blackmarket No.2.   The pair house the very best of Southeast Asian designers and creative’s amidst the wooden and glass expanse of their spacious shop floor located on Jalan Pisang’s Victoria Street. Doubling up as an exhibition space, Teofisto and Tuan have transformed areas such as the shops opening where you’ll find a wall of multi-level shelves. Designed to emulate Chinese doctors storage for medicine, it’s also where the duo home their carefully selected pieces.   Blackmarket is a place for thoughtful trade and the craze is catching. In Antwerp, RA concept store is the wonderful and wacky kingdom of designers Romain Brau and Anna Kushnerova. Go to buy clothes or simply walk around, listen to music, have a drink, and take it all in. You can check out their little alternative retail world by clicking here.   Huge labels such as Comme des Garçons are catching onto this concept trend and it’s a sign of the times; reflecting a generation of people that have surpassed the smoke and mirrors of ‘brand’ - who want to buy into something worth buying into. Big love to these places and let the craze spread.