With technology rapidly evolving it comes as no surprise that people want to take advantage of it. It is becoming more sustainable to perform everyday activities without having to rely on tradition, and one particular 'tradition' that seems to be on the way out is our reliance on cash. We recently saw Liberty Games make use of the digital currency Bitcoin, by incorporating it into an old school arcade games cabinet. And now another Bitcoin enthusiast is attempting to affirm its uses within the public domain.

Samuel Cox, Creative Technologist at Rehabstudio has created BitTag, a physical price tag that allows a consistent mergence between Bitcoin transactions and concrete retail stores. Customers can pay on the spot by using their smart phone to scan a QR code displayed on the BitTag, bypassing any interaction with a sales assistant. The hardware is able to display a product name, local currency and more importantly, the real-time price in Bitcoin. BitTag has been used for the first time at BoxPark in Shoreditch, where tech savvy consumers are told the item's exact value.