Bitsbox is teaching children as young as seven to code, or that’s its aim anyway. While the image of multiple children banging codes into a computer system may leave you feeling like you’ve just watched a scene from Blade Runner, the importance of tech-literacy in the modern age is huge.
The challenge to all of this is how can you make coding interesting to kids? Bitsbox is aiming to do this by creating a two-part learning system. First, members are sent a Bitsbox box, from that they can choose an app to build based on the material inside. Then, on Bitsbox.com they type in the app's name and its code. They can then scan the QR code on the computer screen with their device’s camera, and the app appears on that device. Users can be creative with their apps, which can be customised by sound, colour and graphics.
Essentially, the project is trying to make parents and their children think of coding like they do maths, or reading and writing – an essential skill in the modern world.
