Last Monday 4th July, 2011 we threw a little launch event for the Beck's Green Box Project at our space on 18 Hewett Street. Free Beck's, hot dogs and exclusive mixtapes by Green Box artist LuckyMe kept the vibes going all evening. The Green Box Project is the world's biggest cultural commissioning Art Fund and Beck's will be commissioning hundreds of artists to create their own Green Boxes over the next 3 years. It's an impressive undertaking with an immense roster of talent behind it, so we're proud to be involved. The programme starts shortly with 30 Green Boxes from the world's most exciting artists, click here for full details ... Thanks again to artists, friends and family that all came down to hang out and find out more about Green Box Project. Also, big ups to Abiye from Big Apple Hot Dogs and Beck's for the ice cold beers. Snaps from the night here. We're already planning the next one but for now, watch the film and spread the good word - we'll be in touch. The first Green Boxes launch real soon. Get hyped.