The ShareWear collection is taking wastefulness out of fashion.

Fashion can be a very wasteful business. On top of the way in which they’re produced, clothes are often discarded after their seasonal cycle has ended, meaning big waste that's easily avoidable.

A new initiative, based in Sweden, wants to put an end to throw away fashion and inspire a sustainable way to be keep in style.

ShareWear uses Instagram to allow users to borrow fellow fashion lovers’ clothes. Search for the hashtag #sharewear on the platform and tag yourself on the photo of the item you like. The first one to tag, gets to borrow the piece. Labels like labels like Filippa K, Hope, House of Dagmar, Weekday and Whyred have contributed pieces to kickstart the collection.

To avoid any greediness, users can only borrow each item for a maximum of a week. After that, the item has to be lent out to someone else on Instagram.

ShareWear’s just one example of the fashion industry targeting wasteful production. The likes of Patagonia are proving that 'sustainable' and 'fashion' aren't mutually exclusive terms.