While electronic music is as popular as ever, many people have a hard time engaging with a musician who's monotonously clicking away on their computer. While in Berlin,  Joshua Young, founder of the startup called TripleThink, came up with the idea for AUUG Motion Synth. A hand-held device to control audio apps remotely with an iPhone or iPod touch while moving freely. The light-weight grip is easily attached, and made of aircraft grade aluminium with button windows to touch the virtual keys on the iPhone screen. A motion sensor converts the touches and swings into sound signals, which the app transfers to iOS music apps or external devices like hardware synths or vocal harmonisers.

You can also control background visuals on your laptop to match the music. You are then able to share your music and visuals with the AUUG community, which offers a wide range of configurations for newbies in return.

The AUUG Motion Synth is the latest development in a recent slew of interesting, high-tech music devices and projects, such as SIGMA and Rubato.