When brainstorming an idea, creative professionals tend to quickly jot everything down so nothing gets lost. But they often forget how hard it can be to turn a messy sketch into a sellable concept, without first building a prototype. And, when the product is an app, things get even harder.

Now Adam Leon and Greg Goralski have devised a solution that enables app developers to test and showcase their ideas. AppSeed is an iPhone toolkit that easily turns any sketch into a working prototype. After taking pictures of their drawings with a smartphone camera, designers can crop and assign different functions to each image. For example, they can transform a sketched-out box into a map, or they can connect to a Twitter account by simply tapping a drawn button. To this end, AppSeed uses openCV (Open Source Computer Vision), a library of programming functions that allows developers to choose how an app interprets an isolated element.

Leon and Goralski are hoping to raise funds for their project via Kickstarter.