Anonymous Sex Journal: The Virginity Issue
The next issue of The Anonymous Sex Journal is looking for submissions, this time focusing on first-timers.

Due to the steadfast popularity of the first issue of the Anonymous Sex Journal, The Pilot Issue or Foreplay, the second issue is now in the pipeline. And this time its all about first-timers.
Once again curated by Alex Tieghi-Walker, published by Protein and printed by Ditto Press, the Virginity Issue, or First-Timers, will be a series of anonymous submissions about popping cherries, this time illustrated in all their graphic detail by the awesome Damian Florebert-Cuypers.
And they're looking for submissions!
From the witty and obscene to the tender and touching, anything can be submitted so long as its doen in total anonymity and with total honesty. To submit, just fill in the form below and bare your soul.
The deadline for submission is April 12th and you can pre-order the book by emailing to see if your vignette made it in. But don't worry - if you can't wait that long, we still have 10 copies of the Foreplay issue in our Store.